The star maps below represent the stars of Kepler's catalogs along with bright stars according to modern catalogs. They correspond to the same epoch and equinox as Tycho's catalogs: January 1, 1601 of the Julian calendar.
The stars from Kepler's version of Tycho's catalog and from Kepler's Secunda and Tertia Classis catalogs are represented in different colors according to the legend shown on the maps.
The representation and labeling of stars follows the conventions explained on the historical catalogs page.
Maps by constellation
The maps below represent the stars of Kepler's catalogs one constellation at a time.
Secunda Classis maps
Every constellation containing at least one Secunda Classis star is represented. Additional maps for Columba and Microscopium handle the overflow.
Tertia Classis maps
There is one map for every constellation involved in Tertia Classis and one for Octans to cover the overflow from Hydrus.
Grus![]() |
Phoenix![]() |
Indus![]() |
Pavo![]() |
Apus![]() |
Musca![]() |
Chamaeleon![]() |
Triangulum Australe![]() |
Volans![]() |
Dorado![]() |
Tucana![]() |
Hydrus![]() |
Hydrus in Octans![]() |
Maps by hemisphere
The two maps below give an overall view of Kepler's catalogs one hemisphere at a time.
Northern Hemisphere![]() |
Southern Hemisphere![]() |